Research Blog


Strategic relationship management can drive public policy communication

Title Card: New Research - Coping with collective tragedy on social media

Lessons from the Seoul crowd surge and Los Angeles Monterey Park shooting

Title Card: Unlocking secrets to donor motivation

How nonprofits can inspire blood and organ donations

Title Card: How CEO activism affects prosocial behavior

Communicators, strategy can help CEO activism drive prosocial behavior among employees

AI disclosure and transparency

Report says AI policy is messy. Organizations are adapting with tried-and-true ethical principles

Title Card: Ethical Threats of AI Use in Public Relations (New Research)

What do communication practitioners really think about AI-triggered threats at their organization?

Title card that reads New Research: Ethical Visual Selection During a Crisis

How do visuals in company crisis messages shape perceptions of a crisis?

A title card with the words: "New Research: To build strong workforces, prioritize mental health"

New research discovers a ‘dire need’ for supportive cultures among communication professionals

Hyejoon Rim, University of Minnesota; Moonhee Cho, University of Tennessee; and Katie Haejung Kim, University of Minnesota

Understanding CSA from the perspectives of PR professionals and employees

Lewen Wei UNSW

Project will level-up ethics training through gamification – Scholar Q&A with Lewen Wei

Weiting and Lee

Examining organizational ethics of care for employees


Generating positive media coverage of corporate sustainability on social issues

Image of people on mobile phones overlaid with the text - Research - The Power of Repetition

Are repeated stories a good strategy in digital political communication?

By Luke Capizzo and Andrea Martinez Gonzalez

Examining the psychological implications of authentic CSA across environmental and racial justice

Obar and Akinyemi from York University in Canada

Assessing transparency of corporate digital analytics – Scholar Q&A

Keonyoung Park, assistant professor at Hong Kong Baptist University

An interdisciplinary study on how AI affects CSR - Scholar Q&A with Keonyoung Park

Yuan Wang, City University of Hong Kong, and Rita Linjuan Men, University of Florida

Adapting organizational tactics for digital internal listening – Scholar Q&A

I-Huei Cheng, National Chengchi University

PR as counsel for the ethical use of AI – Scholar Q&A with I-Huei Cheng

Ying Xiong and Joon Kyoung Kim, University of Rhode Island

Helping companies stay transparent about their AI use when hiring – Scholar Q&A

Lim and Shin

Understanding corporate data responsibility through the user’s eyes – Scholar Q&A

Call for Chapters

Call for book chapter proposals: Reaching and researching vulnerable populations

Flora Hung-Baesecke University of Technology Sydney

How public relations fits into corporate purpose – Scholar Q&A with Flora Hung-Baesecke

Minhee Choi Texas Tech University

How prosocial communication can drive policy – Scholar Q&A with Minhee Choi

Young Kim and Katharine Miller

Effects of CEO activism on employee prosocial behavior – Scholar Q&A

Capizzo Team

Prosocial communication goes global – Scholar Q&A

Yen-I Lee

Motivating prosocial behavior with the power of influencers – Scholar Q&A with Yen-I Lee

Sisi QA

Building a toolbox for prosocial health messaging – Scholar Q&A with Sisi Hu

Brian and Staci Smith

Navigating the risks of corporate support of refugees – Scholar Q&A

Queenie Li Miami

Strengthening public resilience post tragedy via social media – Scholar Q&A with Queenie Li

Yi Grace Ji

Effective corporate messaging on geopolitical issues – Scholar Q&A with Yi Grace Ji

Shupei Yuan and Haoran “Chris” Chu

How the public views corporate sustainability strategy – Scholar Q&A

Duli Shi

Message framing for social identity – Scholar Q&A with Duli Shi

Page Center scholar Nicole O’Donnell

Role models as health communicators – Scholar Q&A with Nicole O’Donnell

By Anli Xiao, University of South Carolina, and Christen Buckley, Pennsylvania State University

Mobilizing supportive stakeholders through CSA efforts - Part 2

Anli Xiao, University of South Carolina, and Christen Buckley, Pennsylvania State University

Mobilizing supportive stakeholders through CSA efforts - Part 1

Chuqing Dong, Michigan State University and Jordan Morehouse, Clemson University

Toward a caring government: PR practitioners’ approaches to ethics of care in the public sector

Erin Willis, Erin Schauster, Maria Len-Rios, Marjorie Delbaere

The ethical considerations of patient influencers

Gregoria A. Yudarwati, Meganusa P. Ludvianto and Ina N. Ratriyana, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Promoting ethics of care to maintain harmony: Lessons from disaster management in Bali, Indonesia

Marlene S. Neill and Juan Meng

How servant leadership and caring are practiced in public relations

Alan Abitbol, University of Dayton, and Matthew VanDyke, University of Alabama

Exploring the role of self-transcendent media experiences in corporate social advocacy

Building a CSA Framework

Developing an audience-centric framework of CSA strategy

Nicole O’Donnell, Washington State University and Yanni Ma, Oregon State University

Bolstering CSA efforts with authentic leadership and substantive action

Fuyuan SRF

'Vaccine narrative effectiveness' by senior research fellow Fuyuan Shen

Stephanie Madden

'Ethics of nonprofit fundraising' by senior research fellow Stephanie Madden

Frank Dardis

'A video game to increase literacy of health misinformation' by senior research fellow Frank Dardis


Research in Progress: As brands engage in social advocacy, authenticity is increasingly important

April Yue and Justin Walden

Looking at transparent communication and employees’ assessments of change during COVID-19

Virginia Harrison and Rosalynn Vasquez

Research in Progress: When sustainability challenges sport: How motorsport is adapting

Chris Skurka, Helen Joo and Rainer Romero-Canyas

Research in Progress: How should environmental non-profits talk about racial disparities?

Courtney Boman and Matthew VanDyke

Research in Progress: Working to limit the persuasiveness of greenwashing efforts

Research by Yin Yang and Chris Skurka

Research in Progress: Millions struggle with period poverty. How might media messaging change that?

Authenticity in CSR Communication

Showcase authenticity in CSR communication to reduce consumer skepticism

Research by Ioana A. Coman, Texas Tech University and Rosalynn Vasquez, Boston University

Organizational social listening & corporate climate advocacy: Amazon & Amazon Employees for Justice

Micro-mobilizations - Derek Moscato

The environmental legacies of Earth Day and Keystone XL highlight the impact of micro-mobilizations

A Framework For Listening

Toward a framework for listening with consideration for intersectionality

Women In Politics

Authenticity, vulnerability can bolster women-led political campaigns

Lisa Tam et al research - listening

Why is organizational listening easier said than done?

Employee Silence

Employees will share their voices when they know the company will listen

CSR Research with Linwan Wu and Holly Overton

Native CSR advertising effectiveness depends on persuasion recognition

Research by Taylor Voges, LaShonda Eaddy, Shelley Spector, and Yan Jin

Writing crisis communication history: Insights from health communication executives

Research by Marlene S. Neill, Baylor University and Shannon A. Bowen, University of South Carolina

U.S. employees not satisfied with listening efforts of management

Jane Johnston and Jenny Zhengye Hou

Research in Progress: The road less traveled — An agent-based approach to ethics of care

Tarleton Research - Social Media

Attention social media managers! Stakeholders expect you to listen

Gregoria A. Yudarwati, Meganusa P. Ludvianto, Ina N. Ratriyana

Research in Progress: ‘Who cares?’ Questioning the ethic of care in disaster crisis communication

Erin Willis, Erin Schauster, Maria Len-Rios, and Marjorie Delbaere

Research in Progress: Patient influencers – An ethics of care investigation

New research

Are authenticity and vulnerability a new paradigm for women in politics?

Teri Del Rosso, University of Memphis

Research in Progress: Building a practical framework for labor organizations in higher education

Chuqing Dong, Michigan State University and Jordan Morehouse, Clemson University

Research in Progress: Examining how care ethics are understood and practiced in government PR

Weiting Tao and Yeunjae Lee, University of Miami

Research in progress: Developing a scale of organizational ethics of care for employees

Marlene S. Neill, Baylor University, and Juan Meng, University of Georgia

Research in Progress: Examining the influence of ethics of care and servant leadership in PR

Rim, Cho and Kim

Research in Progress: Understanding CSA from the perspectives of PR professionals and employees

Dunja Antunovic, University of Minnesota; Nicole M. LaVoi, University of Minnesota; Katie Lebel, Ted Rogers School of Management; Nancy Lough, University of Nevada Las Vegas; Ceyda Mumcu, University of New Haven; and Ann Pegoraro, University of Guelph

Research in Progress: Corporate social advocacy in women’s sports

Jiun-Yi Tsai, Northern Arizona University, Ioana A. Coman, Texas Tech University, and Shupei Yuan, Northern Illinois University

Research in Progress: Developing an audience-centric framework of corporate social advocacy strategy

Hao Xu, Jisu Huh, and Hyejoon Rim, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Research in Progress: Companies getting political and the influence on CSA public relations

Science Narratives

The effects of consuming multiple science narratives for different types of audience engagement

Nicole O’Donnell and Yanni Ma

Research in Progress: How can corporations support environmental justice authentically?

Alan Abitbol and Matthew VanDyke

Research In Progress: The presence and effects of self-transcendent content in CSA messaging

Split frame image of two men with short black hair posing in front of studio backgrounds

Research in Progress: Finding effective messaging to increase public support of CSA

Anli and Christen

Research in Progress: Why and how should companies communicate their corporate social advocacy?

Neill and Bowen research

How the global pandemic is impacting U.S. organizations’ ability to listen to employees

Research on MeToo hashtag

What makes social movement campaigns like #MeToo go viral?

Corporate Political Advocacy

Antecedents and outcomes of corporate political advocacy among consumers

Cropped shot of a book cover that reads Juan Meng and Marlene S. Neill, PR Women with Influence

Page Center and Plank Center study examines ethical leadership from the perspective of women in PR

Holly Overton

'Embracing a responsibility to advocate for change' by senior research fellow Holly Overton

Image of a women with long brown hair wearing a green v-neck sweater next to the text Research Fellow Blogs

Study identifies ethical issues, essential competencies and deficiencies in public relations

Justin Walden

Research in Progress: Understanding key workplace communication dynamics in a pandemic

Fellow Katie Place

'Ethical communication and listening to low-income publics' by senior research fellow Katie Place

Fuyuan Shen

'Using visual images in narrative and non-narrative messages' by senior research fellow Fuyuan Shen

Frank Dardis

'Social media strategies of leading nonprofit organizations' by senior research fellow Frank Dardis

Emel Ozdora Aksak and Daniela Dimitrova

On the border of the Syrian refugee crisis: What 37 hours of interviews taught us about NGO advocacy

Ha Young Lim, Erica Ciszek, Won-Ki Moon

Research in Progress: LGBTQ+ brand activism: Listening to historically marginalized stakeholders

Giselle A. Auger and Moonhee Cho

Research in Progress: Developing a scale of organizational listening

Minjeong Kang and Bitt Moon

Research in Progress: Breaking employee silence via employee dialogic engagement

Julie O’Neil, Ashley English and Jacque Lambiase

Research in Progress: Listening and rebuilding trust with marginalized stakeholders after a crisis

Taylor S. Voges, Shelley Spector, LaShonda L. Eaddy, and Yan Jin

Research in Progress: Learning through history and experience

Luke Capizzo

Research in Progress: Listening for what’s hard to hear

Lisa Tam, Soojin Kim, and Helen Hutchings

Research in Progress: Devil is in the “process”: Exploring factors affecting representativeness

Yeunjae Lee, Queenie Li, and Sunny Tsai

Research in Progress: Encouraging companies to listen when female employees speak up

Ioana A. Coman and Rosalynn Vasquez

Research in Progress: What happens when organizations don’t listen?

Diana Sisson, Auburn University; Debra Worthington, Auburn University; Graham Bodie, The University of Mississippi

Research in Progress: Stakeholders’ conceptualization of organizational listening

Sarah Maben and Chris Gearhart

Research in Progress: What do you want—really, really want—when you post on an org's social media?

Rita Men, Sunny Tsai Alvin Zhou, and

Research in Progress: Chatbots as an emerging social listening tool for organizations

Marlene Neill and Shannon Bowen

Research in Progress: Ethical organizational listening for stakeholder engagement and responsibility

Listen to Stakeholders

Using digital media to engage low-income publics

Soyoon Kim & Queenie J. Li

Research in Progress: Can digital gaming help promote mental health?

Two images of women posing in front of studio backdrops

Research in Progress: How and when should corporations engage in social issues?

Daniela Dimitrova and Emel Ozdora Aksak

Research in Progress: The role of media discourse and NGO advocacy for marginalized populations

Linda Hon and Leping You

Research in Progress: Antecedents and outcomes of corporate political advocacy among consumers

Brooke W. McKeever, Robert McKeever, Minhee Choi

Research in Progress: Construction and validation of new scales for advocacy and activism

Derek Moscato, Western Washington University

Research in Progress: Energizing communities within a larger environmental activism

Jessica Myrick, Pennsylvania State University

Research in Progress: The effects of consuming science narratives via social media

Lewen Wei, Penn State Ph.D. student

Research in Progress: Mitigating skeptical perceptions of green CSR initiatives in crisis situations

Juliana Fernandes and Weiting Tao and Yi Grace Ji

Research in Progress: Exploring message repetition strategies in digital political communication

Yen-I Lee,Xuerong Lu, Yan Jin, University of Georgia

Research in Progress: What made #MeToo go viral on social media?

Jenny Zhengye Hou

Research in Progress: Building disaster resilience through authentic and coordinated storytelling

Jeff Conlin and Guolan Yang

Research in Progress: Effects of narrative video political ads on voter attitudes

Madden and Levenshus

Research in Progress: Developing the female candidate’s story: New directions in political PR

Fake News Research

How corporations can survive a fake news crisis

Virginia S. Harrison, Penn State

Research in Progress: Revisiting the concept of stewardship in public relations

Erica Ciszek research

Cultivating trust with LGBTQ publics

Diana Sisson

Q&A with Page Center research fellow Diana Sisson

Marlene Neill

Q&A with Page Center research fellow Marlene Neill

Yeonsoo Kim

Communicating CSR efforts through social media

Regina Chen

Public reactions to creating shared value in the U.S., Germany and China

Fussell Sisco

Research in Progress: Communicating social capital through the digital world

CSR with phones

After natural disasters, authenticity via mobile devices is vital for companies

Toby Hopp and Jolene Fisher

Research in Progress: The impact of transparency and how it shapes trust

Fan Yang and Holly Overton

Research in Progress: Understanding corporate rumors and the psychology of how they spread

Kim Sheehan and Kati Tusinski Berg

Research in Progress: Strategies to address consumer motivations to adopt bike-sharing programs

Geah Pressgrove, Carolyn Kim and Cristóbal Barra

Research in Progress: Can employees increase trust in CSR initiatives?

Linwan Wu and Holly Overton

Research in Progress: CSR communication as native advertising

Nandini Bhalla

Research in Progress: Green CSR perceptions in the U.S. and India

Christopher Cox

Research in Progress: The priming of 'fake news' for automated media

Qian Xu and Shi Chen

Research in Progress: Comparing real news vs. fake news in the Zika epidemic

Katie R. Place

Research in Progress: Ethical digital engagement with low-income publics

Bart Wojdynski

Research in Progress: How design influences reactions to fake news stories in social media

Michail Vafeiadis and Anli Xiao

Research in Progress: Examining the role of message source and rebuttal mechanisms

Michele Ewing, Rita Linjuan Men, and Julie O’Neil

Using social media to enhance employee communication and engagement

Jin, Spector, Reber, Austin

Financial crises provide lessons learned for corporate communicators

Erica Ciszek

Research in Progress: Ethical engagement with LGBT stakeholders

Jahng and Lee

Research in Progress: Navigating the role of public relations in the era of ‘fake news’

Justin Walden

PR pros must walk a tightrope with their frontline employees on social media

Jami Fullerton, Alice Kendrick, and Lori Melton McKinnon

Research in Progress: Attitudes and aptitudes in media literacy and ‘fake news’

Hopp et al

Research in Progress: Why do people share fake news on social media?

Hernando Rojas and Kwansik Mun

Research in Progress: How can we prevent ‘fake news’ consumption?

Kirstie Hettinga and Alyssa Appelman

Correction placement affects perceived importance and credibility

Michele Ewing and Cheryl Ann Lambert

Research in Progress: Successfully safeguarding the company reputation

Leticia Bode, Melissa Tully, and Emily Vraga

Research in Progress: Combating the spread of fake news and misinformation on social media


Research in Progress: Exploring foreign-born volunteers as ‘untapped resource’ for organizations

Daniela Dimitrova, Emel Ozdora-Aksak, and Colleen Connolly-Ahern

Cultural differences in how Bulgarian and Turkish newspapers cover refugee crisis

Marlene S. Neill and Amy Barnes

Page Center study results in book about speaking truth to power

Barbara Miller Gaither and Janas Sinclair,

Corporate environmental ads are more persuasive when concern is high

Virginia Harrison

‘I don’t consider myself a corporate fundraiser' and other lessons from corporate relations officers

Wunpini Fatimata Mohammed, Anli Xiao, Erica Hilton

Ghanaian telecommunications companies incorporate democratic principles in CSR practice


When planning CSR, engagement gets employees on board

Nicole Lee, Matthew VanDyke, Appalachian State University Rachel Hutman

Political ideology drives perceptions of climate change messages

Virginia Harrison

Research in Progress: Serving the nonprofit in a CSR relationship

Gregoria Yudarwati and Marianne Sison

Western values dominate CSR programs of multinational companies

Wunpini Fatimata Mohammed, Anli Xiao and Erica Hilton

Research in Progress: Examining CSR efforts of mobile telecommunications companies in Ghana

J. Suzanne Horsley and Jill M. Bode

Communicators reveal intimate glimpses of challenging disaster responses

Dustin Supa and Melissa Dodd

Measuring controversy’s impact in public relations messaging

Stevie Berberick

YouTube producers can provide clear answers for transgender individuals

Marlene Neill and Nancy Weaver

Millennials feel unprepared and are unlikely to provide ethics counsel, survey may reveal solutions

Marcus Messner

Placing health communications under the microscope

Rebecca McEntee, Renita Coleman, and Carolyn Yaschur

Effects of writing style and photographs on moral judgment in public relations

Flora Hung-Baesecke, Don Stacks, Timothy Coombs and Yi-Ru Regina Chen

Finding the impact CSR and CSV have on stakeholder trust

Marlene Neill

Public relations practitioners accepting of ethics counselor role, but training is a concern

Yan Jin, Shelley Spector, Bryan Reber and Lucinda Austin

Standing on the shoulders of past communicators

Anthony Olorunnisola and Akshaya Sreenivasan

Data to action: Can we use mobile apps to reverse systematic educational failures in West Africa?

Weiting Tao, Mary Ann Ferguson, Baobao Song and Sarab Kochhar

Exploring communication strategies that empower employee engagement in CSR

Nicole Lee, Matthew VanDyke, and Rachel Hutman

Finding ways to communicate climate change, ethically and effectively

J. Suzanne Horsley and Jill M. Bode

New research will unearth behind-the-scenes stories from disaster communicators

Jinyoung Kim, the Pennsylvania State University

New research will ID cues on Fortune 500 websites that elicit private information

Yan Huang

Narratives may facilitate crisis communication

Hua Jiang and Don Stacks Denise Bortree

Study on diversity & inclusion initiatives wins Arthur W. Page Center Benchmark Award

Giuliana Sorce

South African watchdog organization has important role in ensuring fair and equal media

Hyejoon Rim

Study to reveal how CSR is viewed around the world

Ruoxu Wang, Denise Bortree, Anli Xiao

Native advertising may create negative perceptions of media outlets

Stevie Berberick

Potential support for transgender individuals may lie with video bloggers

Colleen Connolly-Ahern, Nadia Martínez-Carrillo, Daniel Tamul

NGOs should work together to raise awareness of refugee crises, research says

Noam Tirosh and Amit M Schejter

Study finds Israeli newspapers frame refugees as 'infiltrators'

Social media discussion

What motivates communicators to share best practices?


Controversy level a significant factor in corporate social advocacy messaging

Doctor with Instagram card

Health organizations face number of challenges when Instagramming

Gregoria A. Yudarwati and Marianne D. Sison

Integrating global and local values in CSR: A multinational company’s challenge

Krishnamurthy Sriramesh and Neva Štumberger

Spirituality, individual values & organizational values: The impact on internal communication & CSR

Refugees fleeing their country.

NCA conference panel spotlights Page Center’s Refugee Communications project

Brooke Weberling McKeever and David Remund

A shared commitment to integrity: Examining collaborative PR leadership

Justin Walden

What should we really expect from employees as online brand advocates?

Baobao Song and Mary Ann Ferguson

Effective CSR communication: Engaging consumers’ prosocial behavior

Marcia DiStaso

Page senior research fellow earns public relations accreditation

Holly Ott

Applying the situational theory of publics and framing theory to CSR communication

Colleen Connolly-Ahern

Connolly-Ahern appointed as Page Center senior research fellow

Shannon A. Bowen

Exploring ethical culture for internal stakeholders: Top-down authenticity and the role of the CCO

Kelly Page Werder and Diana Ingenhoff

Social responsibility to social advocacy: A multicultural analysis of CSR communication effects

Sustainability World Photo

Page Center funds 9 projects to examine sustainability communications

Adrian Edwards, Peter Laufer and Colleen Connolly-Ahern at the AEJMC conference in San Francisco

Connolly-Ahern discusses refugee communications with AEJMC conference panel

Corporate Social Responsibility

Open call research proposals have international flavor

Candace L. White and Kathy R. Fitzpatrick

Corporate perspectives on the role of global public relations and CSR in public diplomacy

Marlene S. Neill, Ph.D., Baylor University

The state of public relations ethics: training, readiness and pressing issues

Eun Go, graduate student at The Pennsylvania State University

Research to reveal best ways to communicate CSR

Dark blue and purple tinted image of a two-story stone building with large windows and four pillars framing the entrance

Forthcoming study eyes Malaysia Airlines efforts related to flight disappearance

Lucinda Austin and Yan Jin

Improving media relationships in times of organizational crisis

Researchers Lan Ni (left) and Qi Wang

Ethical Community Stakeholder Engagement in the Global Environment: Strategies and Assessment

Dark blue and purple tinted image of a two-story stone building with large windows and four pillars framing the entrance

Ethical Social Media Conversations

Anli Xiao

Understanding Climate Change in Developing Island Countries: The Case of Palau

Marcia DiStaso

Ethical Stakeholder Engagement is Topic of PR Journal Special Issue

George Anghelcev

Meet George Anghelcev, new senior research fellow with the Page Center

Dark blue and purple tinted image of a two-story stone building with large windows and four pillars framing the entrance

Page Projects Highlighted at ICA Pre-Conference

Dark blue and purple tinted image of a two-story stone building with large windows and four pillars framing the entrance

Page Center-Funded Researcher Pens Article for

Dark blue and purple tinted image of a two-story stone building with large windows and four pillars framing the entrance

Page Center-Sponsored Research Earns Top Paper at IPRRC Conference

Dark blue and purple tinted image of a two-story stone building with large windows and four pillars framing the entrance

Study: Negative Posts on Firm’s Facebook Page Can Hurt its Rep but “Inoculation” Efforts May Help

A woman with shoulder-length brown hair smiles broadly in a dark sweater

Meet Michel Haigh, new senior research fellow with the Page Center

Dark blue and purple tinted image of a two-story stone building with large windows and four pillars framing the entrance

PSU Sustainability Institute supporting Page Center survey on sustainability awareness, attitudes

Dark blue and purple tinted image of a two-story stone building with large windows and four pillars framing the entrance

Article: Emotional Messages Supplanting Informational Ones as Companies “Speak Green.” logo

Page Scholar Writes Essay on Corporate Social Advocacy

Dark blue and purple tinted image of a two-story stone building with large windows and four pillars framing the entrance

Researching What Makes Persuasive Games Effective

Dark blue and purple tinted image of a two-story stone building with large windows and four pillars framing the entrance

Study Examines Sustainability Communications Efforts of 100 Colleges and Universities

Dark blue and purple tinted image of a two-story stone building with large windows and four pillars framing the entrance

Survey Finds Errors in Wikipedia Articles have Damaged the Reputation of Companies

Dark blue and purple tinted image of a two-story stone building with large windows and four pillars framing the entrance

Philanthropic Relationships Between Sports and Nonprofits

Dark blue and purple tinted image of a two-story stone building with large windows and four pillars framing the entrance

Studying Corporate Social Responsibility in Professional Sports

Dark blue and purple tinted image of a two-story stone building with large windows and four pillars framing the entrance

Do employees really want social media at work?

Posed photo of Marc Sollosy, Emily S. Kinsky, Kristina Drumheller, Meagan Brock and Nicholas Gerlich, all of West Texas A&M University

Rock the Boat: How Corporate and Organizational Mismanagement of Social Media Can Sink Ships

Dark blue and purple tinted image of a two-story stone building with large windows and four pillars framing the entrance

Page Center funding research into “third-person effect” and media censorship