Grants Blog

May 01, 2023
Toward a caring government: PR practitioners’ approaches to ethics of care in the public sector

August 03, 2020
Research in Progress: Devil is in the “process”: Exploring factors affecting representativeness

June 18, 2019
Research in Progress: Effects of narrative video political ads on voter attitudes

May 07, 2019
Cultivating trust with LGBTQ publics

April 02, 2019
Communicating CSR efforts through social media

November 20, 2018
Research in Progress: Strategies to address consumer motivations to adopt bike-sharing programs

October 15, 2018
Research in Progress: The priming of 'fake news' for automated media

July 27, 2018
Financial crises provide lessons learned for corporate communicators

July 24, 2018
Research in Progress: Ethical engagement with LGBT stakeholders

July 04, 2018
Code of conduct guides social media interactions with customers

June 26, 2018
Research in Progress: Attitudes and aptitudes in media literacy and ‘fake news’

June 19, 2018
Research in Progress: Why do people share fake news on social media?

June 06, 2018
Research in Progress: How can we prevent ‘fake news’ consumption?

June 04, 2018
Correction placement affects perceived importance and credibility

May 29, 2018
Research in Progress: Successfully safeguarding the company reputation

April 25, 2018
Research in Progress: Exploring foreign-born volunteers as ‘untapped resource’ for organizations

June 02, 2017
Communicators reveal intimate glimpses of challenging disaster responses

April 18, 2017
Measuring controversy’s impact in public relations messaging

March 15, 2017
YouTube producers can provide clear answers for transgender individuals

March 06, 2017
Millennials feel unprepared and are unlikely to provide ethics counsel, survey may reveal solutions

January 18, 2017
Effects of writing style and photographs on moral judgment in public relations

August 30, 2016
Standing on the shoulders of past communicators

August 25, 2016
Data to action: Can we use mobile apps to reverse systematic educational failures in West Africa?

July 13, 2016
New research will unearth behind-the-scenes stories from disaster communicators

June 28, 2016
New research will ID cues on Fortune 500 websites that elicit private information

June 03, 2016
Narratives may facilitate crisis communication

May 04, 2016
South African watchdog organization has important role in ensuring fair and equal media

April 11, 2016
Potential support for transgender individuals may lie with video bloggers

February 02, 2016
NGOs should work together to raise awareness of refugee crises, research says

January 22, 2016
Study finds Israeli newspapers frame refugees as 'infiltrators'

December 17, 2015
Health organizations face number of challenges when Instagramming

November 04, 2015
A shared commitment to integrity: Examining collaborative PR leadership

October 28, 2015
What should we really expect from employees as online brand advocates?

October 21, 2015
Effective CSR communication: Engaging consumers’ prosocial behavior

October 14, 2015
Applying the situational theory of publics and framing theory to CSR communication

September 30, 2015
Exploring ethical culture for internal stakeholders: Top-down authenticity and the role of the CCO

September 23, 2015
Social responsibility to social advocacy: A multicultural analysis of CSR communication effects

September 16, 2015
Page Center funds 9 projects to examine sustainability communications

September 15, 2015
Open call research proposals have international flavor

September 08, 2015
Corporate perspectives on the role of global public relations and CSR in public diplomacy

September 01, 2015
The state of public relations ethics: training, readiness and pressing issues

June 09, 2015
Arthur W. Page Center Awards Grants for 2015-16

December 11, 2014