The Page Center has funded more than 350 scholars from colleges, universities and organizations around the world. The support has led to hundreds of articles, publications, presentations, research awards and more.
This research directory is a comprehensive database of those outcomes. Each outcome represents an important piece of the Page Center’s mission, which is to advance ethics and integrity in all forms of public communication.
- Combating the spread of fake news and misinformation on social media (2018) Letitia Bode, Melissa Tully, Emily Vraga
- Internet governance and the priming of (fake) news content for automated media (2018) Christopher Cox
- How can we prevent fake news consumption? Exploring framing effects for fact-checking messages (2018) Hernando Rojas, Kwansik Mun
- Emotions as catalyst for spreading misinformation: the case of ‘Fake News (2018) Sela Sar
- Effects of warning labels on Facebook consumers’ attention and emotional responses to misinformation (2018) Bartosz Wojdynski
- The effects of self-construal on green CSR perspectives in the U.S. and India (2018) Nandini Bhalla
- Co-creation of shared value through participatory corporate social responsibility (2018) Sun Young Lee
- Is mission driven more motivating than profit driven? An examination of bike sharing programs (2018) Kim Sheehan, Kati Tusinski Berg
- Understanding corporate rumors and the psychology of rumor spread on environmental issues (2018) Holly Overton
- Errors and corrections in digital news content (2017) Kirstie Hettinga