Measuring and Communicating the Social Impact of Nonprofit Organizations (2006)
Michael Polonsky, Stacy Landreth Grau
There is increased societal pressure on charities to improve performance. The questions that they must ask are: (1) Who is our audience? (2) What evaluation measures are important to the organization? and (3) What evaluation measures are best for the organization? There are a number of different approaches available for assessing performance, ranging from social accounting to more informal qualitative assessments of whether the organization's mission is being achieved. This paper draws on the industry and academic discussion of evaluations of nonprofit organizations to develop a four-category typology of alternative approaches for audiences. It then identifies the benefits and limitations of each.
- Blog Post Page Center Blog: Measuring and Communicating the Social Impact of Nonprofit Organizations
- Research Journal Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing: Assessing the social impact of charitable organizations—four alternative approaches