International Broadcasting and the Management of World Public Opinion (2007)
This research project broadly addresses the viability and the shifting roles of U.S. international broadcasting to the Middle East, as a tool of public diplomacy in the post 9/11 political climate. Specifically, investigating the indirect influence of the U.S. sponsored Al-Hurra Television on Moroccan viewers and Arab public opinion is a main purpose of the study. The overall theoretical approach to the investigation of Al-Hurra Television here is based on the insights of indirect media influence theories, particularly Third Person Effect, to probe the "effects" that audiences assume this type of media has on public opinion.
- Blog Post Page Center Blog: International Broadcasting and the Management of World Public Opinion: The Case of al-Hurra Television and the ‘Arab Street
- Research Journal The Pennsylvania State University: International broadcasting and the management of foreign public opinion: The case of Al-Hurra Television in the Arab Street