October 23, 2024
Page Center insights report shares strategies for companies to ‘take control’ of sustainability messaging

Enacting sustainability practices continues to be a key initiative for organizations. New research insights from the Arthur W. Page Center reveal ways companies can build stronger, more authentic connections with audiences by taking control of their sustainability messaging. These approaches can help shape effective strategies and drive behavior change across all levels of business.
According to the Page Center’s annual insights report, which features published work from 12 scholar-led projects, planning, being proactive, working with all stakeholders and understanding media coverage are just some ways companies can “take control.”
“Look at nearly all company’s values and principles, and you’ll find some version of sustainability,” said Holly Overton, Page Center research director. “This report provides the insights and takeaways that can help communicators align with those standards.”
For example, evidence suggests proactively combatting, or “prebunking,” misinformation can increase an audience’s willingness to amplify a company’s true message. It also motivates potential customers to think critically about purchasing products that make misleading claims about environmental impact.
One study featured in the report reveals the power of using influencers to share personal stories to strengthen audience connection. The unique voices from influencers encouraged willingness to engage in sustainability behaviors and share sponsored sustainability-related content on social media.
Another project builds a foundation for a mobile app that encourages and tracks sustainable habits to promote eco-friendly behaviors.
“Sustainability communication has been a key initiative since the early days of the Page Center,” said Denise Bortree, Page Center director. “This year’s insights report is another way we provide the evidence-based tactics that benefit communicators from all areas of public communication.”
All 12 of these sustainability communication studies are published in a special issue of the Public Relations Journal, co-edited by Bortree and Overton.
Other key findings from the 2024 Page Center Insights Report on Sustainability Communication
These findings originate from the studies featured in the Insights Report. Visit the report's website to learn more strategies for sustainability communication, including the report’s top 10 insights, or to download a pdf of the full insights report for free.
Aligning celebrity endorsements with nonprofit organizations can enhance authenticity and effectiveness in mobilizing fan advocacy efforts.
For companies engaging in corporate social advocacy, it is vital to focus on the moral aspect of campaign
Sustainability communication must be proactive, authentic, and must demonstrate long-term and strategic commitment to addressing climate issues.
Listening and responding is key. Understanding employees’ opinions and incorporating their feedback are ethical ways to better communicate environmental initiatives.
Companies should localize sustainability communication to demonstrate
how they are helping communities around them.
The Page Center solicited proposals for research on sustainability communication in 2022. Insights Reports represents a major piece to the Page Center’s mission – enhancing ethics and responsibility in all forms of public communication.
The Page Center has funded more than 300 scholars since its founding in 2004. While research themes vary from year to year, the Center consistently supports academic exploration into the understanding of principles practiced in public communication. Page Center scholars represent colleges, universities and organizations from around the world.
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