March 03, 2022
‘You are Enough,’ a memoir of authenticity, perseverance and purpose

Page Center advisory board member Charlene Wheeless has been a trail-blazing force in public relations for decades. But when she returned to the c-suite in 2019 after a long bout with cancer, she didn’t know if she could continue blazing trails.
After stepping down as Bechtel Corporation’s principal vice president of corporate affairs, she found a way to restore the spirit that guided her to becoming a Black female executive in an industry of mostly white male leaders. She needed to share her story.
In addition to becoming a professional speaker, Wheeless decided to write a memoir. Her book “You are Enough: Reclaiming Your Life and Career with Purpose, Passion and Unapologetic Authenticity” not only chronicles Wheeless’ battle with cancer, but also tells the story of a young girl who was not expected to go to college, let alone become an internationally respected voice in public communications.
“By the time I was in high school, I realized that there were not a lot of expectations of me,” Wheeless said. “And once I knew that so little would be expected of me, I realized that I had to take charge.”
This was an early lesson of many lessons that would pave the way for Wheeless to break down barriers, shatter glass ceilings and develop a foundation for success. Before leading Bechtel’s corporate affairs for 10 years, Wheeless held leadership positions at Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems and American Management Systems.
More than a memoir, “You are Enough” is a guidebook. It gives the reader permission to “make up their own rules” when dealing with uncontrollable things. It encourages an inward focus that puts you at the top of your own organizational chart.
“The only person living my life is me,” Wheeless said. “So, the only person who has to be OK and at peace with my life is me.”
That brand of confidence was difficult to restore after battling cancer and related complications for nearly five years, she says, but it’s a major theme in the book. It’s a message Wheeless hopes young communicators, especially women, entering a public relations career will hear.
“The book is called 'You Are Enough,' because so many people walk around and they don't think that they're enough, and it impacts the decisions they make,” she said. “They don't ask for the new job. They don't ask for the promotion. They don't ask for the raise. It’s the biggest message of the book: You are enough.”
Wheeless’ message was heard. Many readers have reached out to share their stories, ask her questions and say thank you. When Wheeless started the book, she was at her lowest of lows, she said, but thanks to notes, letters and messages from readers, she is currently on the highest of highs.
“Once I started getting feedback from people, I knew I was living my purpose,” she said. “Getting a note that says, ‘I read your book and it changed my life,' I mean, does it get any better than that?”
Wheeless hopes readers will run their own race and appreciate the many things they can accomplish. She encourages everyone to approach challenges with new resilient confidence.
“It’s a strength that says, ‘You can limit me all you want, but I'm going to find a way,” she said. “I've been told so many times that I've tapped out, or I can’t do this or that, or a Black woman has never done it before.”
“And I say, ‘Watch me.’”
Charlene Wheeless has been a Page Center advisory board member since 2020. She is a certified executive coach and is a senior advisor for Equity and Justice at APCO Worldwide. Wheeless also leads her own consulting business that assists corporations in identifying and addressing racial justice issues, as well as communications challenges.
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