Thank you for contributing to the Page Center blog.
The blog is an opportunity for Center audiences to hear from our scholars. Our goal is to showcase you, your research and the topic in layman's terms so a general audience of readers can grasp the scope, results and practical uses of your work.
Below are guidelines to help you along. Several examples of past blog posts are included as well. If you have any questions about blogging for the Page Center, contact Jonathan McVerry at
Guidelines for Blog #2
Blog Post #2 Examples
New research discovers a ‘dire need’ for supportive cultures among communication professionals
Nicholas Eng, Ruoyu Sun, Juan Meng, and Marlene Neill
U.S. employees not satisfied with listening efforts of management
Marlene S. Neill and Shannon A. Bowen
Attention social media managers! Stakeholders expect you to listen
Sarah Maben and Chris Gearhart
Are authenticity and vulnerability a new paradigm for women in politics?
Stephanie Madden and Abbey Levenshus
How corporations can survive a fake news crisis
Michele E. Ewing and Cheryl Ann Lambert